Jan. 9: Doing What You Thought You Couldn’t

Jan. 9: Doing What You Thought You Couldn’t January 9, 2013

“I have fears…big ones, little ones, medium ones…served up like different size fries you order at McDonald’s,” wrote singer/songwriter Brooke White on her blog.

The former American Idol contestant and current member of the band Jack and White revealed that one of her medium-sized fears has always been singing the national anthem at a sporting event.  “Not because of a lack of patriotism,” she explained.  “Indeed I’m proud to be an American.  [But] I’ve always believed I lacked the capability to sing it in a way that is respectful to the tune in front of stadiums of people.”

In December 2011, to fulfill her husband’s dream of enjoying floor seats and meeting players at a Phoenix Suns basketball game, White finally agreed to sing the anthem before the game.  After a full day of prayers and preparation, she sang the song perfectly, drawing cheers from the crowd.

White concluded, “I don’t like facing my fears…But there [is] something I dislike even more, and that is being controlled by fear because it usually means that I miss out on opportunities, that I don’t become what I’m supposed to become…There is nothing quite like doing the thing you thought you couldn’t do.”

Do not fear, for I am with you. (Isaiah 41:10)

Lord, let us face my fears together.

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