Apr. 2: Hope for the Future

Apr. 2: Hope for the Future April 2, 2013

On August 16, 2008, a small private plane carrying popular “mommy blogger” Stephanie Nielson and her husband, Christian, crashed in Arizona, exploding on impact.  Though Christian was injured and burned, Stephanie bore the brunt of the explosion with burns over 80 percent of her body.  Near death, she remained in a medically-induced coma for 10 weeks.

Despite Stephanie’s grueling recovery and lingering scars, she maintained her positive attitude.  She chronicled her journey of healing on her blog, called The Nie Nie Dialogues, and has written a book called Heaven is Here.

In April 2012, Stephanie gave birth to her fifth child, Charlotte.  She wrote on her blog, “I just wanted to express publicly how thankful I am…how good God is.  Because of Him I am blessed and happy and have a very beautiful baby.  Because of Him my trials are bearable and there is reason to live, even among my pain and physical problems.  Because of Him I know who I am and what I am doing here on earth.  I have a purpose and because of Him, I have hope for the future.”

Put your trust in the Lord.  (Psalm 4:5)

Heal my emotional and spiritual scars, Jesus.

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