May 10: Fueling Yourself

May 10: Fueling Yourself May 10, 2013

As a popular blogger, author, wife, and mother of five kids, Hallie Lord knows what it’s like to be busy.  She also realizes that she is just one of the many women out there who may feel overwhelmed at times because of everything they have to do.   That’s why she points out the importance of women doing something for themselves once in a while without feeling like they’re neglecting their responsibilities.

During a Christopher Closeup interview about her book Style, Sex and Substance, Lord explained, “You can mistakenly get into this mindset of, ‘If I’m doing something for myself, that is a moment in time that I am not serving the world.’  But that’s actually not true because when you’re taking care of yourself—whether it’s taking a nap, taking a bath, reading a book, going for a run—you’re actually fueling yourself.  You’re fueling your body, spirit and mind. It sounds a little trite but it’s true that you have got to put your own oxygen mask on first.  If we don’t, we’re going to have nothing to give back to the world.”

In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness

and in trust shall be your strength.  (Isaiah 30:15)

Enable me to find rejuvenating peace, Savior.

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