June 19: How to Be a Better Boss

June 19: How to Be a Better Boss June 19, 2013

In order to help you develop your natural leadership abilities, here are several “golden rules” for bosses that appeared in a magazine for supervisors:

Be considerate.  Take into account the problems of your people.

Be consistent.  People want a leader whose course is steady and whose actions are predictable.

Be a good listener.  Lead people by knowing them; know them by listening to them.

Show confidence in them.  People will repay your confidence in their ability with improved performance.

Be open to ideas.  If you put down someone’s suggestions too harshly, he or she may not come to you with more.

Be communicative.  Keep your people informed.

Even if you’re not officially a boss, there are occasions when leadership skills come in handy.  Lay the groundwork now by prayer, planning, and a desire to be of service to others.

Let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves.  (Luke 22:26) 

Imbue me with Your humility, Jesus, so I can become a servant leader. 

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