July 26: Like an Action Hero

July 26: Like an Action Hero July 26, 2013

One summer day on a busy parkway in Columbus, Georgia, Michael Perry, 26, risked his own life to save driver Christopher Sanders, 27.

Sanders was at the wheel of his Jeep when he had a seizure and subsequently blacked out.  He had started having seizures 10 years earlier, but never while driving.  His vehicle slowed and drifted dangerously on the parkway as traffic whizzed by.

Perry saw the erratic Jeep, sized up the situation, pulled his own car over and managed to jump into Sanders’ vehicle.  He guided it safely onto the parkway’s guardrail.  Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, although Perry bruised his leg slightly when he got it caught between the Jeep and the guardrail.

“It could have gone very, very badly,” police Sgt. Michael Graydon told the Associated Press. “Everything worked right, and it was pretty miraculous.”

Everyone has the potential to perform a miracle, no matter how small, for someone else.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  (Mark 12:31)

Jesus, bless the courageous Good Samaritans among us.

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