Sep. 29: The Last Laugh

Sep. 29: The Last Laugh September 29, 2013

People snickered when 61-year-old Alan Moore announced that he wanted to resume his latent college football career. But the Vietnam veteran and kicker would have the last laugh, as the revival of his high-school dream would lead him to become the oldest player in college football history.

Back in 1968, Moore’s schooling was interrupted when he enlisted for Vietnam rather than waiting to be drafted. After leaving the service, he got married, had children and worked for about 30 years in construction.  Then the competitive bug bit the grandfather of five, and he decided to attend Montgomery, Alabama’s Faulkner University which would allow him to join its football team.  He successfully kicked for the extra point in the school’s September 2011 season opener.

Moore’s goals extend beyond winning football games, however.  He says, “At this point in life, it’s much more important that I have a positive influence on kids.”

You’re never too old to pursue your dreams or be a role model.  Trust that God will lead you to the right result.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.  (Proverbs 16:3)

May we work to keep our dreams alive, Jesus

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