Oct. 11: Brothers in Arms

Oct. 11: Brothers in Arms October 11, 2013

How did six-year-old Cayden Long, who can’t walk or talk due to cerebral palsy, manage to compete in several triathlons around the country?  With the help of his nine-year-old brother, Connor, who told ESPN, “I’m trying to give him the best life he could ever have.”

Sensitive to the fact that Cayden was being denied a normal child’s life, Connor saw an ad for a 2.5-mile triathlon in Nashville, and asked his parents if he and his brother could participate in it as a team.  The Longs worked it out with the event organizers and got the go-ahead.  Using a specially-designed stroller that allows Connor to push and pull Cayden through the course, the boys finished second-to-last.  But they didn’t mind because they both laughed and had a great time.

The Long brothers have competed in several other triathlons, and their mom has noticed a difference in Cayden.  She said, “I know it changed him.  With the help of his brother, he’s found something that he can do.”

Thanks to one little boy’s love and devotion, we all get a reminder about how to be brothers and sisters in Christ.

I am among you as one who serves.  (Luke 22:27)

Jesus, may I be kind to those with special needs.

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