Nov. 9: The Devil’s Most Valuable Tool

Nov. 9: The Devil’s Most Valuable Tool November 9, 2013

One day, the devil decided to go out of business, so he put his tools up for sale.  Malice, Jealousy, and Pride were soon recognized by most of his prospective customers.  There was one worn, tiny, wedge-shaped tool bearing the highest price, however, which seemed difficult to identify.

“What is that?” someone asked.  “I can’t place it.”

Oh that!” Satan answered.  “That is Discouragement.  It’s my most valuable tool.  With it, I can open many hearts, since so few people know that it belongs to me.”

One of the most effective protections against discouragement is the comforting conviction that, as a Christopher or Christ-bearer, we do not work alone.  Christ is ever with us.  We are His instruments, no matter how imperfect we may be.

Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God, believe also in Me.  (John 14:1) 

Protect my mind and heart from discouragement, Jesus.  Help me to trust in You.

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