4 times The Gospel Coalition outdid itself for bigotry

4 times The Gospel Coalition outdid itself for bigotry August 19, 2016

1. The ‘homophobic gag-reflex’ article

In a 2013 post called The importance of your gag reflex when discussing homosexuality and “gay marriage”, Thabiti Anyabwile wrote that on the on the subject of same-sex marriage, Christians should “Return the discussion to sexual behavior in all its yuckiest gag-inducing truth.” He actually thought that Christians of his sort had been too polite about homosexuality: “In all the politeness, we’ve actually stopped talking about the things that lie at the heart of the issue–sexual promiscuity of an abominable sort. I say “abominable” because that’s how God describes it in His word.”

Thabiti Anyabwile.
Thabiti Anyabwile.

After a fairly graphic description of sex acts that some gay people enjoy (which reads like the world’s most awkward erotica), Anyabwile continues:

That sense of moral outrage you’re now likely feeling–either at the descriptions above or at me for writing them–that gut-wrenching, jaw-clenching, hand-over-your-mouth, “I feel dirty” moral outrage is the gag reflex.

To be fair, Anyabwile later wrote that he “regretted” using the term “gag reflex”, adding “though I contend abhorrence is one legitimate reaction of the conscience, it is not the only reaction.”

Ironically, abhorrence is a legitimate reaction to Anyabwile’s posts about homosexuality.

Disgusted baby

Still to come as The Gospel Coalition showcases its strengths: shunning, child abuse, and racism!

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