Creative Every Day Challenge

Creative Every Day Challenge August 19, 2009

I’m really excited to have joined Leah at Creative Every Day in her challenge to incorporate creativity into every day. I took an oath two springs ago to work on my art at least once a week and it has changed my relationship to creativity. I’ve gone from working in fits and spurts, sometimes with months between sessions, to sitting down for some kind of arts or crafts almost every day. I think this is going to be a great community for continuing that deepening connection.

Each month has a theme. This August the theme is Move. I’m looking forward to exploring.

Here’s some pics of my creativity this week:

block printing is so much fun! After the girls went to sleep I went crazy with printing stuff. I kept having to cut more paper. Right now I’m using ink pads to ink my blocks, but I’ve got my eye on some eco-ink at Dick Blick to try out with my brayer.

The last picture shows some crochet socks I made to cover the feet of a porcelaine doll my daughters scored for a dollar at a garage sale. The feet broke three times in the first three days we owned it, so I decided to give those poor dollies a little extra foot protection.

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