Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! June 21, 2011

It’s that time of year when the sun stops for a moment in her course. It’s that pregnant pause at the top of the roller coaster just before you cascade down the other side of that first huge hill.

We’ve been busy celebrating the season, and visited Lake Huron with friends this weekend. I found a holey stone, which made me smile. In case you don’t know, if you look through a stone with a hole in it, you might just see the fey world.
The rain is plentiful, the garden is green and everything is alive and happy. We still enjoy those scorching hot days, unlike later when the heat seems overwhelming and the trees get that yellowed out look. The girls and I are going strawberry picking tomorrow with some friends, and we will feast on fruit with enough left over for jam and frozen strawberries for the winter.
I’ve been harvesting herbs as well, because now is the time for it. Everything is going to be at it’s peak now. Don’t wait until August to get them in.

Mugwort, about to start flowering.
Here’s my list:
Comfrey both infused in oil and dried, for wounds
Mugwort for tea
Plantain for stings and bites
Sage, rosemary, and thyme for cooking,
Curly dock for iron deficiency
Clover Blossoms for tea and to ease my hormones
Basil for pesto
Rose for tea and for incense
Bergamot for tea too.
(I like tea)
Yarrow infused oil, also for wounds
Tansy for dying
I may make some Echinacea tincture as well, if I can get my dirty hands on some everclear.

Infusing yarrow in olive oil

What are you harvesting?

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