February 19, 2022

Today, I wrote myself a note: Stop fueling the negative energy. See what’s happening and recognize that you have no control over it. The change you want to see in the world begins at home. The greatest act of rebellion is refusing to imitate the hate. Spread love. I recognized that I was succumbing to the fear frequency again. I was choosing to inundate myself with information that served me no purpose other than to induce anxiety. For the last... Read more

February 12, 2022

People all around the world are suffering from touch deprivation.  For many, this is an unfortunate side-effect of safety and saving lives. It may not seem like such a big issue. The last 2 years of this pandemic have made it seem almost dangerous to be near others. Touch could lead to Covid. Covid could lead to death. Therefore, touch = death. This means the absence of touch can prevent death, or so it has been reasoned. The absence of... Read more

February 7, 2022

If it wasn’t for the stupidity that plagues humanity, comedy wouldn’t exist. We wouldn’t have a reason to laugh without stupid people. In essence, we must thank God for the stupid humans. I often do. It is also true that without suffering we would not have anything to be grateful for. Between stupidity and suffering, we find ways to make light of situations that are heavy and grim. We extend grace to the stupid and for the sufferings of humankind,... Read more

February 6, 2022

I recently sat down with Jim Babka for an interview for the Recorded Conversations podcast. While researching his work, I came across one of his blogs on the DownsizeDC website. What he had written about human nature jarred me. Jim wrote, “Human nature is a real hurdle. Two points are key. Human beings aren’t motivated by good news and progress. Most people are motivated by hate, fear, conflict, and drama.” Babka used this as an example to demonstrate this idea;... Read more

February 3, 2022

The most recent censorship attacks against Spotify and Joe Rogan remind me of a story that we can all find in the Bible. Maybe you have heard this one? It’s about a man who wants to teach others to think for themselves, to listen within, and realize their abilities. The man was named Jesus and he was the center focus of many ruling elites of his time. The charge? Daring to speak against the status quo. Jesus upset a lot... Read more

February 3, 2022

There are many things about the Christian faith that leave people confused. The structure, the symbolism, and even the songs. But one idea stands out for most and that is the odd double standard of worshipping Jesus despite the Commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Why do so many Christians worship Jesus? Why does the worship of Jesus take precedent over the worship of God? Is there a right way to follow Jesus that doesn’t imitate idolatry?... Read more

January 12, 2022

Last week, while I was bartending at the local watering hole, a patron stopped me to ask if I would be his friend. He had written his number down on a beverage napkin. He assured me that his intention was purely authentic. He didn’t have a lot of friends in town, and he really enjoys talking to me. He reiterated over and over that he understands that I am married, and he only wants friendship. We then discussed how unfortunate... Read more

January 5, 2022

If you believed that everyone was infectious and could potentially spread a deadly disease to you, you might avoid talking to anyone, altogether. You may stay inside, isolated, and excluded from the outside world. You may panic at the thought of someone stopping by unannounced. And you’d stay locked in a bubble, finding a way to avoid people, conversation, and connection. You’d probably then turn to some virtual reality system and filter yourself into a world that is safe from... Read more

December 23, 2021

In the last 2 years, individuals across the country have shared theories about what is taking place in the external world. Pizza-gate pedophile rings, Russia conspiracy hoaxes, orchestrated viral chaos, voter fraud, media manipulation, New World Order, an underground sex-trafficking enterprise run by rich socialites, celebrities, and perverted politicians. Are they speculations of over-active imaginations of isolated individuals or is there credence to any of the theories circulating the social media and gossip blogging realms? Let’s say, for the sake... Read more

November 11, 2021

  Would you rather listen than read? Click here to listen to the audio version of this article on the Recorded Conversations podcast. There is such a weird trend circulating that is quite perplexing. The idea that no one will ever understand what it’s like to be another individual with a separate and unique experience is being popularized by those who want to live in perpetual victimhood. It says that because I am a “woman”, I will never understand what... Read more

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