The Most Important Subject I’ve Ever Addressed in a Dharma Talk…

The Most Important Subject I’ve Ever Addressed in a Dharma Talk… April 28, 2012

After reading Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s Half the Sky, the book that inspired my most recent sermon, I have no doubt that it’s the most important subject I’ve ever addressed in a dharma talk. You can listen to the talk and read my comments about the book at my official website.

In the short time that it has been online, the talk has also really gotten around: among other things, I was thrilled and touched that it got mentioned on the official Facebook page of Half the Sky. (They wrote, “After reading Half the Sky, Rev. Danny Fisher was inspired to deliver a dharma talk at the Rosemead Buddhist Monastery based on his experience reading it. Has Half the Sky or the issues it touches upon been discussed at your place of worship?”) In addition, the talk got mentioned on the official Twitter streams of both the book and Mr. Kristof himself. Color me humbled!

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Again, you can listen to the talk and read my post about it here.

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