Buddhist Global Relief’s 2013 Los Angeles Walk to Feed the Hungry

Buddhist Global Relief’s 2013 Los Angeles Walk to Feed the Hungry November 24, 2013

The participants in Buddhist Global Relief’s 2013 Los Angeles Walk to Feed the Hungry at Against the Stream, Santa Monica, CA, November 17th, 2013. Photo by Tom Mortiz.

Last weekend, I had the great pleasure of participating in Buddhist Global Relief’s “Walk to Feed the Hungry” in Santa Monica, CA. My fundraising goal was $1,000, and I ultimately raised $1,135. For that, I owe a huge thank you to the following people…

my parents, James and Dana Fisher

Charles Prebish

Maia Duerr

Matthew Brensilver

Yasmin Seneviratne and James Piper

John and Jennique Bangs Horrigan

Judy Hsu

Debra Rogers

Jeannie and Brian Rosenthal

Philip, Katy, and Henry Miller

Helen Stiver

Karen Gelinas

Nargess Fassih

Liz Davenport

Alan Cossitt

my uncle Dan Fisher

my mother-in-law and father-in-law, Joan and Tas Lyn

and my wonderful wife Steph (who was the one to put me over the top)

It was a lovely walk, which took Buddhist Global Relief past the event goal of $4,000 for donations. The Westside Foodbank here in Los Angeles will receive 10% of our donations, which, as my friend (and BGR board member) Tom Moritz put it, is “very fitting as we walked past the Ocean Park Community Center and the Salvation Army Men’s Shelter and were greeted by many hungry men and women on the sidewalks [during the event].”

I spoke at the gathering after the walk, offering a dharma talk adapted from this past post. Ayya Santussika, Mary Stancavage, and Tom spoke as well, each offering helpful, unique teachings.

Below are two pictures that Tom took — one of Ven. Santussika and I taking a turn holding the sign, and one of me teaching. Tom’s other pictures from the walk can be viewed here.

Founded by my friend Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, BGR is the visionary, Buddhist-inspired humanitarian organization that contributes to various relief and justice efforts worldwide, and does, I think, a truly extraordinary job of it. I’ve interviewed Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi about BGR and its work many times in the past, and you can find those interviews hereherehereherehere, and here.

To donate and/or get involved with BGR, visit:


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