Dr. Lewis Lancaster Speaks about His Years of Work in Prison Dharma Efforts

Dr. Lewis Lancaster Speaks about His Years of Work in Prison Dharma Efforts February 19, 2014

Buddhist Door International recently interviewed my friend Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster, the mighty and prolific Buddhist scholar, about his years of prison volunteer work, and you can watch the conversation below, via their YouTube channel.

Dr. Lancaster was the first-ever recipient of the Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the groundbreaking program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a member of the faculty at the University of California-Berkeley for thirty-three years, as well as founder and director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) and former president of my home institution University of the West. In addition, he has been a prison volunteer for many years, culminating in some wonderfully visionary work with the International Bodhisattva Society (IBS) and UWest — all of which he talks about in the video.

Take a look!

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