You Can Help Make the Eco-Dharma Conference a Reality!

You Can Help Make the Eco-Dharma Conference a Reality! July 5, 2014

As I previously mentioned, I will be one of the contributing teachers to the upcoming Eco-Dharma Conference & Retreat 2014, which will be held this year at the Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH, from August 7 – August 11, 2014.

The keynote speaker for the event will be the great David Loy, and, in addition to myself, contributing teachers include Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Colin Beavan, Dr. Kritee Kritee, Lama Willa Miller, David Stember, Vincent and Emily Horn, and Patrick Groneman.

The conference and retreat are describe this way in the literature:

Join us in the foothills of the White Mountains of New Hampshire for a unique event featuring prominent Buddhist teachers, scholars, and environmental activists discussing in depth the intersection of Buddhist practice and stewardship of the earth. Conference participants will also be invited into this discussion. The conference will address questions such as

  • What practices can help us deal with the pain that arises in relationship to ecological devastation?
  • What is the nature of our ecological crisis?
  • What do activists have to offer Buddhists for engaging in existing activist causes?
  • What does Buddhism have to offer activist communities?
  • How can we integrate eco-dharma into our communities?

The long weekend will include panel discussions, breakout groups, nature walks, meditation practice, and time to informally get to know one another. This is a precious opportunity to connect with key teachers and activists in North America who have make this topic a priority in their communities.

You can register here, and can find out more about the event at Wonderwell’s website or on Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly‘s Calendar page.

Anyway, the Eco-Dharma Conference Steering Committee is looking for support to make the conference possible — and you can help!

The Eco-Dharma Steering Committee are here to request your support and financial contributions to make the event happen.    Our crowd-funding requests are meant to cover a few core expenses:

~  Transportation and housing costs for key community leaders who have specialized in studying social engagement, Buddhist philosophy, ecology, and social justice.  This event will educate and enliven those who attend.

~ The cost of technological set-up for a High-Definition Video presentation by the forward-thinking Planetary Collective, as well as the cost of the event’s live video stream.    This event will engage participants, regardless of geographical location.

~ The fundraising will help cover any budget gaps that arise in the Natural Dharma Fellowship’s extending of their affordability policy for this retreat.  This event is an extension of generosity, from the Natural Dharma Fellowship, who are offering their space and time, as well as the many partner and co-sponsor organizations, including:

The Foundation for Active Compassion, Won Dharma Center,, Colby-Sawyer College, The Buddhist Geeks, The Buddhist Peace Fellowship,, Wisdom Publications, Planetary Collective, Dartmouth Univeristy, and more..!

Please join in the generosity and a vision of a more peaceful, sustainable, resilient, and compassionate human community.

Help us out right here!

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