“‘Tis a Puzzlement”

“‘Tis a Puzzlement” January 5, 2015


Blake's "Good and Evil Angels"
“The Good and Evil Angels”
William Blake clearly foresaw the battle in which, many years later, the forces of evil, cruelty, and dishonesty would be driven from the Maxwell Institute and replaced by the forces of truth, beauty, and love.


Bill Hamblin asks an excellent question:




The answer, of course, is twofold:  First of all, some people are on the right side, the side of love and kindness, while others . . . well, they’re emissaries of fear, hatred, and obscurantism.  Second — and this is essentially the same answer as the first — some people are good and kind, while others are evil.


The choice is pretty easy, once the facts are understood.  For the sake of the children.



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