“The arc of history: the worship of a false god”

“The arc of history: the worship of a false god” February 23, 2015


Sturmabteilung poster
Was this the right side of history in the 1930s? When, exactly, did it become such? And when, precisely, did it cease to be such? How can one know? And must one necessarily obey history?  Is it morally wrong to oppose all trends?


Although Gary Lawrence’s article doesn’t mention this issue at all, I’ve been repeatedly told that I’m on “the wrong side of history” with regard to the redefinition of marriage.




I find the whole notion of “the wrong side of history” — or of “the right side,” for that matter — problematic and pretty much inscrutable.


Would I have been on the wrong side of history if I had opposed Nazism in 1932 Germany?  Would I have been on history’s right side if I had become a Bolshevik in 1916?  Would I have been on the right or the wrong side of history if I had been a Mongol warrior under Ghengis Khan?  Was the Black Death an expression of The Right Side of History when it killed 30-60% of the population of Europe in the mid-fourteenth century?



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