Do you have questions or concerns about Islam? If so, I need your help.

Do you have questions or concerns about Islam? If so, I need your help. March 3, 2015


Mecca pilgrim
In Mecca
(Click to enlarge.)


Perhaps my favorite definition of the word professor is “someone who talks in other people’s sleep.”


As a defense against that, I make occasional attempts, in my lectures, classes, writing, and firesides, to be relevant.


Right now, I’m substantially revising a book that I wrote about Islam a long time ago — its second edition is nearly a quarter of a century old — for a general (largely Mormon) audience.


A lot of water has gone under the proverbial bridge since then.  Small things like a couple of Gulf wars, 9-11, the rise of the “Islamic State,” and so forth.


So this probably won’t be a third edition.  It will be very much different.  For one thing, it will expand (at least a bit) to more coverage of places like Iran, Indonesia,  Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria, and it won’t focus only on the Arabs.


But I want it to be relevant.  I want it to address, however briefly, the questions and concerns that its readers actually have.


So . . .


Could you do me a favor?


If you have particular issues that you would want such a book to address, can you share them with me, either in the comments here (that would be easier for me) or on Facebook?


Seriously.  I can’t promise that I’ll address absolutely everything.  But I want to make a serious effort to do so.


Your help would be much appreciated.



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