ISIS continues to destroy the cultural heritage of the Middle East

ISIS continues to destroy the cultural heritage of the Middle East April 14, 2015


Shalmaneser III, Black Obelisk
Fortunately, the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III is no longer in Nimrud, but is now located in the British Museum in London.


The nihilistic thugs who call themselves the “Islamic State” continue to compound their crimes against humanity and civilization, as shown in this appalling report from CNN:


Curiously, their supposedly “Islamic” fervor seems to run counter to the sacred scriptural text of Islam itself:


The Qur’an repeatedly calls upon its hearers to contemplate the ruins of the past civilizations around them, doing so in order to remind its audience of the transience of humanity and human glory and of the awesome power and solemn judgments of God.


These monsters, by contrast, destroy such ruins — something that the Qur’an not only doesn’t call for but which, if it had been done to the pre-Islamic cities of Arabia, would have negated important teachings of the book that they supposedly revere.



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