New Testament 145

New Testament 145 April 19, 2015


Bethsaida ruins
The ruins of Bethsaida, with the Sea of Galilee just barely visible off in the distance — if you click to enlarge the image.


Mark 6:30-31

Luke 9:10

Compare 14:12-13


I like the comment in Mark, when Jesus tells the returning apostles to get a bit of rest:  “For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”


Today’s members of the Twelve, from what I’ve observed of their schedules, would recognize so hectic a life.


And they never get to retire.


Some critics like to imagine the Twelve wallowing in status, comfort, and perks.  I’m very content that the Lord (helped along very nicely by my various inadequacies and faults) has seen fit to spare me such blessings!  I like being left alone, to my own schedule.



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