Two anniversaries today

Two anniversaries today April 6, 2015


Peter Whitmer Sr. log cabin
A replica of the original Peter Whitmer family cabin near Fayette, New York. It was probably in the original cabin on this site that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized on 6 April 1830.
(Click to enlarge.)


It’s easy to forget, since General Conference ended yesterday and we’re now in the middle of an ordinary work day, but today is the 185th birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Today is also the second anniversary of the death of my wife’s mother.  My in-laws have established an article prize for Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture in her memory and honor, hoping to encourage manuscript submissions to the journal from women:


The deadline for submissions this year is 1 August 2015.


Please, if you’re eligible, consider submitting something.  And even if you’re not eligible for specifically this prize, of course, we welcome submissions to Interpreter and we hope that you’ll spread the word about this article prize.



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