Χριστός ἀνέστη!

Χριστός ἀνέστη! April 5, 2015


The tomb in the garden, or whatever
“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
(Matthew 28:6)
Click on the image to enlarge it.


If man had his way, the plan of redemption would be an endless and bloody conflict. In reality, salvation was bought not by Jesus’ fist, but by His nail-pierced hands; not by muscle but by love; not by vengeance but by forgiveness; not by force but by sacrifice. Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to conquer Him.”
A. W. Tozer


I wish everyone a joyous Easter.


As the traditional Greek Easter greeting has it,


Χριστός ἀνέστη!

Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

Christ is risen!

Truly he is risen!


There is no greater, no more important, no more transformative message than that.  None.  Anywhere.


On Friday, Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published a brief testimony of Easter specially written for us by Mitt Romney:




Or, if you prefer, you can just listen to me as I read Governor Romney’s message.  It’s only two and half minutes long:




On behalf of the Interpreter Foundation, too, I wish you a wonderful Easter.



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