“Skin texture glow distinguishes Mormons from others”

“Skin texture glow distinguishes Mormons from others” May 1, 2015



John1 Wikimedia Commons
People constantly comment on the visible glow that accompanies me. I’ve always assumed that this resulted from my extraordinary holiness, but maybe it’s just healthy skin. (Of course, it could also be my hair.)


Add this to your “weird science” file:




When my wife and I lived in Jerusalem, we would occasionally spot tourists on the street there and, in some cases, guess that they would be in church that weekend.  Even in the absence of obvious tell-tale signals such as BYU tee shirts, we were seldom wrong.


Truman Madsen liked to tell an anecdote about an Israeli official who commented, during the controversy that surrounded the building of the BYU Jerusalem Center, that it would make little difference if overt Mormon proselytizing were prohibited.  What, he asked, are we going to be able to do about the light in your students’ eyes?


Posted from New York City



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