“Victim of Christian education claims U.S. ‘founded on gospel of Jesus Christ'”

“Victim of Christian education claims U.S. ‘founded on gospel of Jesus Christ'” June 9, 2015


Paranoia, middle size
It must hurt.


From the summary, I’m guessing that I myself might not completely agree with absolutely everything she said — or, at least, with precisely how she said it:




But please notice the extraordinary rhetoric of this brief reaction to her:


“Victim,” “dangers,” “brainwashed,” “shrill,” “vulgar,” “demoralizing,” “imperialism,” “shrill” (again), “rant,” “victim” (again), “victim” (a third time), “blinded,” “superstition,” “ignorance,” “canon fodder,” “holy war,” “jihad for Jesus,” “foolish nonsense,” “escape,” “ignorance” (again), “extreme,” “extreme” (again), “indoctrination,” “child abuse.”


All that the young woman, Karis Peters, did was to recite a poem.


It seems to me that “Progressive Secular Humanist” should be a bit more self-aware before accusing anybody else of being an extremist.  And that s/he might want to calm down a bit.  Such hyperventilation can’t be very healthy.


(Thanks to Charles Steinman and Nicolas Garaycochea for bringing this to my notice.)



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