In which I endorse a presidential candidate

In which I endorse a presidential candidate August 12, 2015


The next Democratic presidential nominee?
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Click on the image to enlarge it.
And please donate to his campaign if you would like!


Mr. Sharpton, conscience of the nation
The Reverend Al Sharpton

(Photograph by David Shankbone)
Click on the image to enlarge it.
Feel free to donate to him. He’s effectively tax-exempt!


I haven’t made up my mind about Donald Trump yet.


Perhaps, if he’ll just speak in more demagogic generalities, supply even fewer specific policy details and — most importantly — insult more people with crude, seemingly misogynistic and borderline racist remarks, I’ll endorse him.


I am, after all, reputedly a very vicious person, a racist, a homophobe, a religious bigot, and a sexist, so he ought to be right up my alley.


Weirdly, though, I haven’t quite been able to summon up much approval for him yet.


On the Democratic side, though, I’m far less conflicted.


I hereby announce my fervent support for Senator Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont.


Socialism is a fresh new idea that deserves to be tried.  What possible harm can it do?


And my joy will be unbounded if, having obtained the Democratic nomination, Senator Sanders chooses the Rev. Al Sharpton as his running mate.


President Obama has failed to heal the racial divide that persists in this nation, but Rev. Sharpton is just the man to do it.  And, with economic divisions behind us as well, we’ll be on the brink of an entirely brave new world!



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