“The need for ‘faith literacy’ in an increasingly religious world”

“The need for ‘faith literacy’ in an increasingly religious world” August 16, 2015


Malaysian mosque
Putrajaya Mosque, Malaysia
Photograph by Nazir Amin
Wikimedia Commons
(Please click on the image to enlarge it.)


I couldn’t possibly agree more strongly with this article from the Australian Broadcasting Network:




I’ve devoted much of my career to the cause of increasing interreligious understanding — including my conception and founding of BYU’s Islamic Translation Series and the Middle Eastern Texts Initiative as a whole, with which I was affiliated until I was ousted from it about three years ago; my teaching at BYU; two of three lecture CDs; many of my Education Week lectures (including Tuesday through Friday of this week); a fair amount of writing, including my biography of Muhammad and the old book Abraham Divided and the column that Bill Hamblin and I publish every other Saturday in the Deseret News; and more public lectures in more places than I can count.  I’ll also be delivering a paper on this topic in Germany a week from Friday.


I addressed it, too, in the inaugural installment of the Hamblin-Peterson Deseret News column, which I saw as a kind of manifesto or charter for that effort:




Posted from Cedar City, Utah



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