“Why animal lovers should abhor Planned Parenthood”

“Why animal lovers should abhor Planned Parenthood” August 17, 2015


Fetal peanut butter
From Wikimedia Commons


By now, you may be aware of the videos showing senior officials of Planned Parenthood as, over lunch with wine, they matter-of-factly discuss the dismemberment of unborn babies and the selling of their retrieved body parts — while light-heartedly referring to the “crunching” of little human bones and skulls, to adequate personal compensation for their services, and, in one case, to wanting a Lamborghini.


There’s been considerable outrage on both the Right and the Left.


On the Right, commentators have been appalled by the callousness on display, and some have even (quite understandably) summoned up lingering memories of such places as Auschwitz, Birkenau, Dachau, Mauthausen, and Treblinka.


Established organs on the Left, by contrast, have registered their rage against the people who surreptitiously filmed the conversations.


Here’s a slightly longish (but very good) piece by Mary Eberstadt on the topic, and on the contrast between the two reactions:





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