“Israel Rejects Compensation For Burnt Historic Christian Church”

“Israel Rejects Compensation For Burnt Historic Christian Church” September 16, 2015


Tabgha, the Multiplication
The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes at Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, as it looked before the arsonists attacked it


Rather disappointing news out of Israel, regarding a site that all LDS tour groups and students visit, to say nothing of the many other Christian tourists who come to the Holy Land.


It seems that the Israeli Tax Authority insists on specific political motivation in its definition of terrorism.  But that seems to me not entirely sustainable.


I hope that the Catholic appeal of this decision is heard and granted.  I rather expect that it will be, actually, but I could be wrong.  (I was once, I think,  Back around 1987.  Or maybe it was actually back in the late 1960s.)




Thanks to Jabra Ghneim for bringing this to my notice.



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