New Testament 254

New Testament 254 September 4, 2015


A Sinified Jesus
“Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler”
(Beijing, 1879)


Matthew 19:16-22

Mark 10:17-22

Luke 18:18-23




Jesus’ humble unwillingness to pronounce himself “good” while he was still in mortality, his mission not yet completed, is mirrored in the distinction between his statement recorded in Matthew 5:48, spoken before his crucifixion, and the quotation from him given in 3 Nephi 12:48, which was spoken after his resurrection and ascension.




It’s not clear from this story — and I think it very unlikely — that Jesus expects all of his followers to give away all of their possessions and become itinerant preachers.  But precisely that, I suspect, is what this young man needed, and where he could have made his greatest contribution.  In other words, Jesus’ words to him were exactly calibrated to his personal case.



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