New Testament 264

New Testament 264 September 12, 2015


Stoerer, Erbach, sculpture
“Christus, den blinden Bartimäus heilend” (Christ healing the blind Bartimaeus)
Johann Heinrich Störer, 1861; Erbach, Rheingau, Hesse, Germany
(Wikimedia Commons)


Matthew 20:29-34

Mark 10:46-52

Luke 18:35-43

Compare Matthew 9:27-31; Luke 18:31-34


Jesus has the power to give us sight, to enable us to see the things that were always present but that, through our incapacity, we were previously unable to perceive.


May it be with us as it was with Bartimaeus:


“And immediately he received his sight,” says Mark 10:52, “and followed Jesus in the way.”



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