City Lights and Seafood

City Lights and Seafood October 26, 2015


The legendary bookstore
Photograph by Caroline Culler
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge.)


Some people have quirky touristic interests.  I certainly do.


I love, for example, to visit college and university campuses.


And iconic, culturally significant bookstores.


Thus, for example, I’ve made my pilgrimages — multiple times in each case — to Blackwell’s in Oxford, to Powell’s in Portland, to Schoenhof’s near Harvard, to New York City’s Strand bookstore, and to at least the reincarnation of Shakespeare and Company in Paris.


Accordingly, although our recent weekend trip to San Francisco wasn’t really for tourist purposes, I nonetheless paid my respects to Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s legendary City Lights Bookstore on Columbus Avenue.


And then we strolled on to Scoma’s, near Pier 47 on Fisherman’s Wharf, for one of the best seafood meals I can remember.  (I had the “Mixed Seafood Grill,” which is sometimes made up of salmon, halibut, and cod.  On Friday, though, it was salmon, swordfish, and cod — and it was wonderful.)


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