New Testament 263

New Testament 263 October 17, 2015


F. M. Brown 1856
“Jesus washing Peter’s feet”
Ford Madox Brown (1856)
Wikimedia CC; please click on the image to enlarge it.


Matthew 20:20-28

Mark 10:35-45

Compare Matthew 23:11; Mark 9:35; Luke 9:48; 12:50; 22:24-27; John 13:4-5, 12-17


It’s oddly comforting to learn that even the apostles James and John were very human, flawed like the rest of us.  That offers hope that we, too, can be saved.


What’s also significant here, though, is the thorough “transvaluation of values” taught by Jesus.  Greatness comes not through lordship and status, but through servanthood.



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