“But they were filled with confusion, and began to do penance.”

“But they were filled with confusion, and began to do penance.” December 7, 2015


Dayr Mar Antonius
Among the very oldest monasteries in the world is that of St. Anthony, isolated far out in Egypt’s Eastern Desert (in the southern part of the Governorate of Suez). I was privileged to visit it once, many years ago, with my friend Kent Brown.
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge)


“It was said of Abba John the Persian that when some evildoers came to harm him, he took a basin and wanted to wash their feet.  But they were filled with confusion, and began to do penance.”

From the “Sayings of the Desert Fathers”


I can’t help but be reminded of Alma 24 — a remarkable and powerful story.



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