New Testament 315

New Testament 315 December 3, 2015


Peter and the Keys
An eleventh-century illuminated manuscript from Western Europe depicts Christ’s grant of the keys of the Kingdom to Peter
(Wikimedia CC public domain)
Click to enlarge; twice to enlarge further.


Matthew 26:30-35

Mark 14:26-31

Luke 22:31-34

John 13:36-38

Compare Matthew 28:7, 10; Mark 16:7; Luke 22:39; John 16:32; 18:1; 21:15-17


One of the signs of the truthfulness of the gospel accounts is their forthright portrayal of what is usually regarded as the very human weakness of Peter, despite his subsequent reputation as the “Rock” and a “pillar” of the church.


There’s no attempt to whitewash or glorify him.



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