New Testament 367 (et finis)

New Testament 367 (et finis) December 24, 2015


fi al-Jalil
The Sea of Galilee (aka the Sea of Tiberias, or Kinneret)
Wikimedia CC; click to enlarge


John 21:1-25

Compare Matthew 16:28; 26:30-35; Mark 9:1; 14:26-31; Luke 9:27; 22:31-34, 39; John 8:51-52; 13:36-38; 16:32; 18:1


In this chapter, which some have called an “appendix” to the gospel of John, we see Peter’s threefold affirmation of his love for Jesus (which may have been intended to compensate for this threefold denial just after the arrest of the Savior), a prediction of his death as a martyr, an unclear allusion to the idea that John the Apostle would not die until the return of the Lord, and, in the very last verse of the four gospels, yet another admission by the gospel of John that it has left quite a bit out of its account of the life of Jesus.


And, with that, we end our year-long but nonetheless hasty reading of the New Testament gospels.  In line with the 2016 adult curriculum of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’ll shortly take up the Book of Mormon.


Posted from Richmond, Virginia



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