“Don’t worry. Be happy.”

“Don’t worry. Be happy.” January 6, 2016


Mr. Alfred E. Neumann
Alfred E. Neumann was already well known by 1910, when this image appeared, long before he was adopted by the publishers of “MAD Magazine” as its public symbol and by the Obama administration as its official foreign policy strategist and press secretary.
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


ISIS is developing sophisticated weapons that will enable it to attack civilian targets in Europe and beyond:




North Korea is developing long-range missiles capable of delivering payloads throughout Asia and even to the western United States:




(Will it be Kim Jong-un who puts an end to that stand-off in Oregon?)


And North Korea claims to have just detonated a hydrogen bomb:




“Meh,” say some.  “Big deal!”  It’s probably just an atomic bomb, because it only registered 5.1 on the Richter Scale!


In the meantime, though, President Obama is practicing a foreign policy of what he terms “strategic patience” and is focused like a laser on expanding presidential power in order to make a real difference on issues that actually matter:


“Obama’s Gun-Control Order is Dictatorial, and It Won’t Work”


“Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns Will Help . . . Obama”



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