“Making America Great Again” for Late-Term Abortions!

“Making America Great Again” for Late-Term Abortions! January 28, 2016


The US Supreme Court Bldg
The Supreme Court Building
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge)
According to actuarial statistics, the Supreme Court will likely change its membership by two or three people during the next presidential term. Will the person who chooses them be someone who respects the Constitution?


One of the most important and long-lasting acts of an American president is to nominate someone to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.


What kind of nominees would a President Trump send to the Senate for confirmation?


His enthusiastic support of government seizure of the property of little people for the benefit of large corporations probably affords one important clue.  (On that issue, see this article, published way back in April 2011, when Mr. Trump wasn’t yet a major threat to the Constitution.)


And this short piece supplies another clue:





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