Two pieces on Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump

Two pieces on Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump January 19, 2016


Christy Constitutional Convention
“George Washington Presiding at the Constitutional Convention” (Howard Chandler Christy, 1939)
Wikimedia Commons public domain
(Click to enlarge.)


I’ve never been a fan of Sarah Palin, and, although he has certain undeniable talents, I’m not a fan of Donald Trump.  So her endorsement of him, tonight, leaves me less than ecstatic.


In fact, it leaves me a bit gloomy.


“Of Course Sarah Palin is Endorsing Donald Trump”


“The Death of the Tea Party”


And here’s an article, published on 15 January, that puts the surprising popular support for Mr. Trump (which now includes Ms. Palin’s) into perspective:


“Republicans Have Overestimated the Conservatism of the Base”


As a life-long and very committed member of what David French here calls “the constitutional Right,” I’m not happy about the way things seem to be going.  I actually believe that one of the principal intentions of the Founding Fathers was to block the rise of candidates like Donald Trump.



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