“Why a Christian can view Muhammad as a prophet”

“Why a Christian can view Muhammad as a prophet” January 27, 2016


Qubbat al-Sakhra wa Kinisat al-Qiyama
Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, with the golden Dome of the Rock (one of the holiest buildings in the world for Muslims) in the foreground and, in the distance beyond it, the gray dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (perhaps the holiest building in the world for hundreds of millions of Catholic and Orthodox Christians).
Wikimedia CC; click to enlarge


I don’t agree with everything in this article — there are some things I definitely disagree with — and the perspective of a Latter-day Saint is distinctly (though not altogether) different from that of a mainstream Christian on a question such as this one.


But I share it as something with which I’m broadly sympathetic, and as a short essay that’s worthy of reflection.


Thanks to Jabra Ghneim for calling it to my attention.



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