You will be assimilated

You will be assimilated January 26, 2016


BYU's law school building
BYU’s J. Reuben Clark Law School 
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge)


Welcome to the new regime, in which dissent will not be permitted:


If this attempt to transmogrify Brigham Young University isn’t successful, there will be others.  Oh, brave new world!


Canada was the canary in the coal mine:


This is something that I wrote back in the fall of 2014:


Canada doesn’t have a precise equivalent to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.


Still, this is a troubling decision, and one that indicates a highly possible trajectory for the United States a few short years from now:


You think, since it’s from a foreign country, that this case is irrelevant?


Think again.


Some American judges, including some who have been or currently are justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, have suggested the value of using foreign laws as precedents in American judicial decisions.  And I would expect that many of you have heard the argument, as I have, that “We surely don’t want to be the last country in the civilized world that ___________ .”


Anywhere, here’s the salient fact that should bring this Canadian case fairly close to home for many of us:


On the point in question, Trinity Western University’s “Community Covenant” is essentially identical to BYU’s “Honor Code.”


And here’s another little item:





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