“A Rubio-Cruz Ticket Might Be the Only Way to Stop Trump”

“A Rubio-Cruz Ticket Might Be the Only Way to Stop Trump” February 26, 2016


Senator Rubio
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
(Wikimedia Commons)


Senator Cruz of Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

(Wikimedia Commons)


As long as Mr. Trump faces two serious competitors and two other hopelessly marginal but nonetheless vote-draining alternatives — it’s inconceivable that many genuine Carson or Kasich supporters would go to Trump if those candidates withdrew — he’s likely to continue to win with pluralities of the vote, and he will almost certainly be the Republican nominee for president.


For the good of their country, Gov. Kasich and Dr. Carson need to quit the race, and Sen. Rubio and Sen. Cruz need to find a way to stop dividing the non-Trumpist vote.  (Last night’s debate, in which both scored major hits on the execrable Mr. Trump, was a good first step, but it may have been too little, too late.)


One or the other of them, for example, could drop out.  It would be a noble gesture.  And, no doubt, each thinks that the other should do so.  As of now, though, their finishes have been so close together that each still has the hope of coming out ahead of the other.  And right now, unfortunately, that hope seems to extend only as far as also-ran status, leaving the nomination to a man who is utterly unworthy of it.


Here’s another idea:




I get a kick out of the idea of Los Hermanos Cubanos.  It would be amusing, in an era of renewed relations with the dictatorship in Cuba, to have a son of Cuban emigrants as president of the United States.  But it would be downright delicious, all other things being equal, to have Cuban-Americans as both president and vice president.


Unfortunately, the problem with this proposal is pretty much parallel to the problem with having one of the two withdraw from the race in deference to the other:  Each will think that he should be the presidential candidate and that the other should be the vice-presidential nominee.


But a “national unity” ticket like this would be a very good counter to the alarming rise of Trumpism in the Republican Party.



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