About Those Super Bowl Ads

About Those Super Bowl Ads February 8, 2016


An illustration of Mr. Pecksniff
Mr. Pecksniff
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)
Google “Pecksniffian” and “Pecksniff.” Useful words.


I understand that the Super Bowl was played yesterday, and that it represented some sort of anniversary.  And that my beloved Dodgers didn’t win it.  (I met a distant cousin of my childhood hero Don Drysdale in Fresno about a week ago, by the way!)


Anyway, some advertisements seem to have been run during the Super Bowl.  Apparently, lots of people watch the Super Bowl, and ad time during the game is at a premium.  So the ads are often pretty good, and many in the audience actually pay attention to them.


Curiously, though, at least three of the ads really, really, really incensed some of the humorless political ideologues out there.  (I think I’m going to increase my Doritos consumption as a result, and maybe even reassess my continuing failure to purchase a Prius.)


Here are two political commentaries on those humorless ideologues:


“The Left’s Meltdown Over Super Bowl Ads Shows Exactly How Radical It’s Become”


“Mercy and a Doritos Commercial”


More and more, the radical forms of Leftist ideology seem to recall the immortal H. L. Mencken’s definition of puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”


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