“Can we please stop pretending marijuana is harmless?”

“Can we please stop pretending marijuana is harmless?” February 22, 2016


Marijuana plants under cultivation indoors
Cannabis sativa
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge)
I doubt that this is what Spencer W. Kimball had in mind when he encouraged home gardening among the Latter-day Saints.


You may be aware that Utah has been experiencing controversy of late on the matter of the legal status of marijuana — and particularly so since the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took a public stand regarding one of two relevant bills being considered by the state legislature.


For various reasons, I haven’t yet been following the debate closely, nor even commenting on it.  But I was struck by this article, brought to my notice by Cassandra Hedelius:




I’m a libertarian-inclined conservative, so I’m generally sympathetic toward movements to legalize and deregulate.  I think that human beings ought to be able to make their own choices.  An ambiguity enters into drug matters for me, though, because the drugs in question often detract from, or altogether eliminate, the human capacity to make rational choices.  And, by reason of effects transmitted through pregnancy, accidents caused by impaired driving, and so forth, drug consumption isn’t necessarily a victimless activity, apart from the user himself or herself.


So, in my view, caution and a serious debate are required on this matter.



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