Honesty in Science (or Not)

Honesty in Science (or Not) February 15, 2016


Scientist with three test tubes
(Wikimedia Commons; click to enlarge.)
“Just as I expected! God isn’t contained in these test tubes!”
Science is purely objective, and, perhaps rather ironically, is entirely practiced by demigods.


Stephen Smoot brings this interesting item to my notice, accompanied by this ironic comment:  “I’m confused, Dan. I have been assured by a whole bunch of Internet atheists, including atheist ex-Mormons, that scientists are walking embodiments of objectivity, honesty, and critical rationality. Only theists, and especially filthy ‘apologists,’ would do something like falsify data.”




No mere scientist — indeed, no ordinary mortal — could possibly approach my staggering and incessant dishonesty, for example.  Still, on the whole, Br’er Smoot is right to be confused.  It seems that scientists are subject to the same human failings that afflict non-scientists.  And that the notion that science represents purely objective rationality, as opposed to the utterly arbitrary whimsy of religious faith (Flying Spaghetti Monster, anyone?), may not, umm, be absolutely accurate.


Posted from Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii



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