Praying for Richard Dawkins? Quelle horreur!

Praying for Richard Dawkins? Quelle horreur! February 17, 2016


Stradano illustration of Infierno Canto VIII
Stradanus (1587), “Inferno” VIII, Dante and Virgil among the Wrathful (Wikimedia Commons)


It seems that the extremely outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins recently suffered a stroke.


This isn’t altogether surprising.  He’s 74 years old, after all, and, as it eventually does for all of us, mortality has come knocking at his door.


What is, however, slightly surprising — but, based on my years of observation, only slightly — is the reaction of some to one reaction to his health problem.


A tweet from the Church of England had said, simply, “Prayers for Prof Dawkins and his family.”


To which some atheists have apparently reacted with anger and outrage.


I’ve found that, when people are determined to be outraged, it’s almost impossible not to outrage them.  I dunno; it often appears that some folks enjoy being outraged.


Anyway, here’s a response to the controversy from a seemingly level-headed atheist:


The comments following his entry are only mildly interesting, but, plainly, not everybody agrees with him.  Not everybody wants to surrender the evidently delicious sense of having been abused and wronged.


Things sure are nice here, though.  Life can be very, very good.


Ka’anapali, Maui, Hawai’i



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