“‘Allah’ is not pagan term. It means ‘God'”

“‘Allah’ is not pagan term. It means ‘God'” March 24, 2016


Arabic OT and NT
I own this edition of the Arabic Bible, along with several others. Uniformly and unavoidably, where the English Bible reads “God,” they read “Allah.”
(Wikimedia Commons)


A comment responding to one of my blog posts (in which, shockingly, I advocate tolerance for Muslims and better understanding of Islam) has deployed the old pseudo-scholarly argument that Allah, the word commonly used for the Supreme Being among Muslims, refers to a pagan Arabian moon deity, utterly unrelated to the God of Christianity.


This is pure bilge.


In fact, I regard it as one of the most irritating and transparently false criticisms of Islam that I’ve ever seen.


I wrote a column about it some time ago, and perhaps it’s time to dust that column off yet again:




The notion that Allah isn’t and cannot be the God of Christianity seems to have been generated (so far as I know) among certain Evangelical or Fundamentalist Protestants.  Indeed, among the same Protestant circles that routinely churn out hostile and intellectually dishonest screeds against Mormons.  That’s worth reflecting on.



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