BOM Mosiah 12

BOM Mosiah 12 March 24, 2016


Guatemala's first temple
The Guatemala City Guatemala Temple


Moving on with our reading of the Book of Mormon, we come to Mosiah 12:


I’ve heard more than a few chuckles about the first verse, in which Abinadi comes into the city in disguise and then immediately identifies himself by name.  However, I take it that his goal wasn’t to remain incognito but to gain entrance to the city and begin to preach before he could be stopped.  Once he opened his mouth, people were going to know who he was, anyway.  Not just by his voice, but because of his message.


Please note also the interesting and archaic use of the verb discover in verse 8 — not in its common modern sense of to find, but in an older meaning of to reveal, or, literally, to dis-cover, meaning to uncover.


Finally, yet again, observe the arrogant self-sufficiency expressed in verse 15.  This is the same sin that we’ve already observed in recent chapters.  Pride is, obviously, a recurring leitmotif of the book of Mosiah.



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