“Donald Trump: A History of Violence”

“Donald Trump: A History of Violence” March 28, 2016


An NSDAP rally in Nuremberg
Adolf Hitler with Hermann Göring (front left), in Nuremberg in 1928. They are surrounded by members of the Nazi Party’s “Sturmabteilung” (SA), the so-called “stormtroopers” or “brownshirts,” whose principal task was to rough up and intimidate opponents and to provide security at Party rallies. Mr. Hitler would be elected chancellor of Germany in the elections of 1933.  There weren’t many elections after that, of course, until the, umm, end of Mr. Hitler’s chancellorship in 1945.  Opposition to Mr. Hitler and the Nazi Party was made illegal during that period.
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


There are many reasons why I not only oppose Donald Trump but find him deeply repugnant.  This eleven-minute video (which, I warn you, contains two or three visual and/or barely audible f-bombs) depicts just one of them:



Those who really, really dislike my opposition to Mr. Trump and who find it wearisome are welcome to skip the video.  That reaction would be preferable, I think, to repeatedly telling me to stop posting such things because they’re boring.


Then there’s one fellow who likes to compare me to Nazi brownshirts, as well as to accuse me of attempting to take away human agency and of wanting to arrest Trumpists and put them in concentration camps.  He makes that comparison and levels those accusations because I publicly criticize Donald Trump and because I advocate voting against him in free and democratic elections.  He has also written several times to advise me that I should stop writing against Mr. Trump, whom he supports.  He finds my posts about Mr. Trump boring.  Still, he might want to watch the video above, if only to learn why I find it so weirdly ironic to have a Trumpist comparing me to Nazi thugs.


Donald Trump’s well-documented contempt for women is, of course, merely yet another reason why some of us are alarmed by his rise and regard him as repellant.  Regarding his misogyny, this summary now needs to be updated to include his public mockery of the physical appearance of Heidi Cruz.


Trump!  He’ll do something to America in 2016!



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