“Every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people.”

“Every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people.” March 16, 2016


I'm sure that there's an implicit off-color joke here, but I choose not to see it.
At the Wieners Circle
Wikimedia Commons
(Click on the image to make it yuuuge.)


With his victories last night, General Zod has taken yet another major step toward the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential nomination.


In his quest to make Krypton great again, Zod will need to eliminate all terrestrial life forms.  But surely that end will justify his means.


Thus, given his claims of unspeakable personal wealth created by unparalleled business genius, perhaps it’s time for an overview of the actual record of this man who, he says, “tells it like it is”:


“The Definitive Roundup of Trump’s Scandals and Business Failures”


Faora [beating Kal-El up]:  You are weak, Son of El, unsure of yourself. The fact that you possess a sense of morality, and we do not, gives us an evolutionary advantage. And if history has proven anything . . . [She throws him into yet another building] . . .  it is that evolution always wins.

(from the script of the 2013 film Man of Steel)



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